Letters and documents

This page is an archive of all the letters that were written, to the council, to the papers, etc back in 2008. These letters include letters written by independent punt operators, by solicitors, etc.
In addition we have also included the pdf format documents that were presented in the various council meetings.
- Letter from independent punt operators raising their concerns about not being part of the consultation process that led to the Review of River Moorings Policy (no longer online, does anyone have a copy?) This letter was presented in the council meeting on 21st January 2008
- Letter from independent punt operators highlighting their initial response to council proposals and giving their concerns about a report to be considered in the council meeting on 21st January 2008. Presented at the meeting and sent to the council afterwards.
- Letter from independent punt operators raising concerns about the report Punt
Operation in the City of Cambridge (45 page document – no longer online, does anyone have a copy?) sent 25th January 2008 - Letter sent by Taylor Vinters solicitors on behalf on independent punt operators prior to the council meeting on 8th February 2008. Sent 6th February 2008
- Letter sent by Pinsent Mason solicitors on behalf of Scudamores Punting company prior to the council meeting on 8th February 2008. Sent 6th February 2008
- Letter from Yvonne Prevett sent to Andrew Lansley MP and copied to
Alastair Roberts 19th February 2008 - Letter from independent punt operator requesting permission to use Jesus Green sent 25th February 2008. Response received 12th March 2008
- Letter from Tim Campbell sent to Cllr Ian Nimmo-Smith 29th February 2008
- Letter from Tim Campbell sent to the Cambridge Evening News in response
to their BB Spencer joins freelance punt row article (no longer on line, does anyone have a copy?). Published 4th March 2008 - Letter from the council in response to the letter sent by Taylor Vinters on behalf of independent punt operators on 6th February 2008. Received 10th March 2008
- Response from Cllr Ian Nimmo-Smith (leader of Cambridge City council) to Tim Campbell’s letter of 4th March 2008 (Cambridge Evening News letters page). Published 12th March 2008 (CEN letters page).
- Response from Tim Campbell to Cll Nimmo-Smith’s letter. Sent 13th March
2008 - Application form to use should you wish to apply for a spot at La Mimosa whilst indicating that the tout zone must be changed (please note that this is no longer available as it is no longer possible to apply for a spot on the La Mimosa punt station)
The council pdf documents that we referred to above are no longer hosted on the city council website but were in the public domain.
As they have removed them, if you have access to copies of them please contact us and we can host the files, or at the very least, the pertinent sections of them on this site.